Farming /

We have formed a strategic partnership with a farming business that continually seeks for new and innovative ways to improve operational efficiency out on the field. Together, we aim to drive innovation and productivity in the agricultural sector.
Company Size: [ 100+ ]
Location: [ Alberta - Canada ]

Business Challenge /

This farming business regularly encountered operational efficiency challenges due to the extensive time employees spent manually inputting field data. This process often yielded inconsistent and incorrect results. Additionally, the complexity of the device used hindered employee training efforts. Consequently, these issues significantly impeded their operations, posing challenges during their limited working season when achieving essential tasks was crucial.

Realizing The Need for Change /

This business eventually came to the realization that their current data entry processes, coupled with complex and unintuitive devices, was an impediment to their operational efficiency. They recognized that this inefficiency not only lead to inconsistencies and errors in data entry but also hampered their ability to scale and grow. This drove them to seek an improved solution that streamlined data collection and enhanced the overall user experience for farmers interacting with the device.

What We Did /

The measures and methods we implemented to address the unique needs of the client and bring their vision into reality.

Location Mapping Device


To meet the client's challenges, we created software tailored to work seamlessly with tablet hardware. The primary objective of the geolocation mapping device was to elevate data entry accuracy for farmers, delivering a more sophisticated yet user-friendly software interface. To accomplish this, we focused on presenting GPS data and essential tools in an intuitive manner, keeping only the necessary features to streamline their tasks. This required frequent in-field testing to ensure compatibility and overall efficiency when utilized.

Requirements /

The specific technology solutions we offer that were meticulously selected and implemented to address the challenges they faced

Data Collection

Web Application

Data Analysis

Software Integration


Our Value /

The technological advantages our client gained from our assistive and scalable technological interventions.


The software can be continually adapted to align with the evolving needs of the business, ensuring optimal scalability as it grows and evolves over time.

Cost Effective

The intuitive nature of the new device allows the farmer's employees to understand and begin utilizing it sooner which significantly reduces training costs.

Increased Productivity

The seamless integration of user-friendly software not only diminishes user resistance but also expedites their ability to harness its full potential, facilitating accelerated productivity.

The Finished Product /

The device's intuitive and easy-to-operate interface played a significant role in the overall outcome as we collaborated to propel them toward a technology-driven precision agriculture approach, optimizing efficiency, productivity, and scalability.

Technologies Used /

The technologies used in this project

Interested in how our services may be able to help? /

Speak with one of our service experts today to learn how we can assist you in scaling your business.

#50, 550 Wt Hill Blvd S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4Z9
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